Sunday, June 18, 2006

How full is full ?

I heard this from the radio a couple of days ago:

A philosophy professor came into the class with a big empty glass jar. He raised it high so that everyone could see the inside of the jar.

He asked the students : "Is this jar full ? "
"No", the students answered.

He bent down and pulled out a bag of stones from underneath his desk. He poured the stones into the jar and filled up the jar.

He asked again : "Is this jar full ?"
"Yes", the students attempted.
"Really ?" asked the professor

He pulled out a bag of marbles and poured the marbles into the jar. The marbles filled up the spaces between the stones.

The professor asked again : "Is this jar full ?"
"Yes", the students answered affirmatively
"Really ?" asked the professor.

Then the professor poured some sand into the jar. The sand filled up the spaces between the stones and the marbles. Professor shook the now heavy jar and poured in more sand.

The professor asked again : "Is this jar full ?"
"Yes", the students roared
"Really ?" asked the professor

Out came two cups of coffee which the professor poured into the now packed jar. The coffee sipped through the sand, marbles and rocks.

The morale of the story is that no matter how busy you are in life, you can always find time for the things that you want to do. Even when you are really busy, you could still find time for coffee with a friend.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger pathfinder said...

that's one hell of a way to cut someones balls...nice and intellectually smooth. ouch!

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Vegie said...

Hehehehe pathfinder are yours still with you ?


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