Thursday, December 29, 2005

Queen Hatshetsut

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While the infamous Cleopatra was the last pharoah of Egypt, Queen Hatshetsut ( our tour guide said "Hot Chick Soup" will be easier to pronouce ) was the first woman pharoah of Eqypt and had commissioned many great architecture during her reigns.
The Mortuary Temple at Abu Simbel is a design masterpiece. Constructed during the 15 BC, the palace was terraced, based on a central axis and cut into the natural relief of the canyon at Abusimbel. The queen imported trees to the site from as far away as Punt. The temple look modern even in current 21st century.
Queen Hatshetsut initated incense trading with a country now known as Somalia. Relief depicting the arrival of the spice trade contingent is still very well preseved in the temple.
Though Hatshetsut was known to be beautiful, she dressed as man wearning a fake beard as it was not acceptable at that time for woman to rule the country.


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