Optimism is a choice
Recently there is a video being circulated around the blogasphere about a mob that occured at a local university campus. The video painted a disturbing picture of a group of Malay students at our local UPM harassing a few Chinese boys. It was not clear to me what started the commotion but I figured that the Chinese boys were probably staging a peaceful protest. The Chinese boys were eventually led away by the security guards. The video triggered many angry comments about the oppression of the Chinese in this country.I am a Chinese but I saw more from the video. I certainly do not condorn the behaviour of the Malay boys in the video. But I chose to embrace a bigger picture. I saw in the video the courage amongst the youth of our generation to take a stand by staging a peaceful demonstration. I applauded how the Chinese boys reframed from fighting back despite being threatened. I also chose to denounce sweeping allegation that the behavour of the Malay students in the video is a fair representation of our community at large.It is undeniable that some of our national policies are hugely biased towards the Malay race. .
In my picture there are more people in my life, outside the four corners of the video screen. If not because of Kak Nor, my backache will continue to haunt me. It was Kak Aini who takes diligent care of my home and my neglected plants. Hasan is one of my greatest supporters who cheers me on when I am down and kicks me when I in my victim mode. Azlin is one of the coolest and no-nonsense babes in town who never allowes me to indulge in self-doubt about my artistic progress. Then there is Yunus, the nerdy and yet talented pavement engineering expert who is busy inspecting airports to get them ready for the new Boeing A380. There is Rosalind who is a volunteer in AWAM who unconditionally gives her heart and soul to everyone who needs help. There is Zak the young girl whom wants to be a business woman one day. The list goes on. The perspectives are many.
While many were angered by our national policies, I chose to see beyong our races. Call me naive, call me innocent. To be born as a Malaysian is not my choice, but the way of living as a Malaysian is a choice of mine. I could live as a dejected victimized Chinese of the country, or I chose the mindset of a Malaysian citizen who does whatever I could in however small way to contribute to my community.
Quoting Gandhi's famous saying "An eye for an eye, the whole world goes blind". Being an optimist is a choice. Quite frankly it is the only way to progress because optimisim nurtures unity and the courage to make a difference. Pessimism on the other hand only fuels the wheel of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Click here to view the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndYvb7GvLDk
It was indeed sad that people would resort to violence to prove their points. I find those people who showed up at the US Embassy staging "No War in Lebanon" but turned a blind eye on their own country's struggle. It is not a representative action as stated in the newspaper, saying a majority of Malaysian did not want US presence in Malaysia - I myself, don't give a flying f*ck. Charity begins in at home. I guess in this case, peace begins at home as well - when all people realize that each and every races here, compliments each other, instead of threathening.
It was very disturbing watching the video, imagine how one wld feel if one was at the scene. Fear and anger wld rise.
A Jedi master once said," Fear will lead to anger, anger will lead to pain and pain will lead to suffering." Alas that is our human failing.
Dikatakan menara gading adalah cerminan masyrakat dan anak-anak kami adalah cerminan ibu-bapa meraka.
Apa yang belaku di UPM merupakan cetusan yang kian melarat di kalangan generasi kini.
Sudah hampir 30 tahun lapisan masyarakat di Malaysia disegregasikan, dipupuk and dididik secara berasingan.
Tanbahan dengan kelayakan kemasukan dan kelulusan akademik yang jauh berbeza antara anak Melayu dan bukan Melayu. Jurang perbezaan kian meruncing dan ketara bukan dari segi perbezaan budaya dan bahasa, malah mentaliti dan kematangan anak Bumiputra dan anak bukan Bumiputra.
Keadaan ini telah lama terpendam.
Indah berbahasa berkonsepkan keharmonian masyarakat, tetapi sehingga darah daging sendiri dihumban dan diperli - apa yang dikarang semata-mata "indah bahasa tanpa makna"
Bacalah http://www.worldpress.org/2298.cfm
Sebagai renungan dan tatapan bersama.
Kami semua memang mudah lupa.
Thank you for sharing. I can sense the anger and disgust in your tone. I understand the outburst the emotions.
If you think the government is wrong to devise policy based on races, may be it can start from ourselves by acting beyong the racial dividing lines. There are many homeless kids, drug addicts,domestic violence victims, AIDS patients who need a lot of care. Come back and join me to do the little bit we can. Action speaks louder than words
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