Mobile Curry House
With the money my Wu Yi gave me, I spent almost all of it on "bawang putih" (garlic), "bawang merah" (red onions), biscuits, condensed milk , milo, rice, toilet rolls, Maggi curry, cooking oil.... No no I am not going to start yet another Old Town Coffee Shop. These are daily necessities for the Antara Gapi Home which I bought from a wholeseller in Cheras. The "bawang" stinked. I felt like driving a mobile Indian curry house. Not to mention it took me an hour to drive from Cheras to Antara Gapi. My pal life-trekker thought at least this kept the vampires away. Good thinking.According to Encik Ragu the carer, neighbours complained about children making too much noises. Hence he has stopped taking in young children into his welfare home. There are ten old folks now under his care. He wasn't in when I delivered the goods. I spoke to him on the phone and asked about his family and his three children. His youngest is yet to celebrate his first birthday. Is there a "Nombor Empat" (No 4) on the way ? Of course, says he, as soon as "Nombor Tiga"(No 3) could take care of himself. Gee.... I wonder how he copes.
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